Welcoming the Morris Family

Welcoming the Morris Family

Welcoming the Morris Family Ortega PCA's new Director of Music Oct. 31, 2019 Meet the Morris Family – Kevin, Haley, and Analyn. It’s our pleasure to welcome Kevin on staff at Ortega Pres. Kevin is now serving as our Director of Music. Please be in prayer...
Does Anyone Know Where We Worship?

Does Anyone Know Where We Worship?

Does Anyone Know Where We Worship? Pro Ecclesia November 2018 | Joshua Hinson It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the...
Adjustments to Our Liturgy

Adjustments to Our Liturgy

Adjustments to Our Liturgy   Jan. 19, 2017 | Joshua Hinson   Elements, Forms, and Circumstances Reformed doctrine and worship is historically precise doctrine and worship. In worship, we distinguish the elements from the forms and circumstances. Such...