The Name
This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations. - Exodus 3:15God names himself to bless his people. He names himself to instruct his people. God does not need to name himself, but he chooses freely to condescend in order to give us knowledge of God’s being and his purposes toward us. Remarkably, while God does not need to name himself, he does name his Son. The God-man has the peculiar dignity of being recognized as Yahweh. In light of that truth, we can be as sure of Christ’s heart toward us as we can be sure of God’d heart toward the Israelites when he brought them out of Egypt.
As the exalted Messiah and High Priest interceding in the heavenly places, Jesus is trustworthy. Christ’s purposes, and thus his teachings, remain the same toward believers. He is unchangeable in his purposes. Hence, the author of Hebrews assures his readers of this aspect of Christ’s ministry: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb. 13:8).
If God is able to bestow a name on Jesus, he is also able to bestow a name on those who remain faithful to the end like Jesus did. In Revelation 2:17, we are told that believers will receive a new name. This promise extends to all of God’s faithful servants and is not limited to the immediate recipients of John’s letter. To receive this new name is to receive Christ’s kingly name (Rev. 19:12-16). We are named in baptism, as we enter into a new relationship with God. At the end, we shall also receive a new name that will confirm to us our exalted status. Without this new name, we will not enter into the new heavens and the new earth.
Mark Jones, God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God, (pp. 94-95).
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Jacksonville, Florida 32210